Not only is neon still relevant on the fashion front, but our favorite it-girls are seen all over Instagram in various tones of this shade, and honestly we couldn’t be more into it! Why wouldn’t we be? Just the touch of this vibrant color to your everyday combination is sure to get you noticed—and it might even lift your spirits on these gray, frozen mornings. For a smaller dose of color, just reach for an accessory like a pair of Attico or Amina Muaddi heels, throw on the sunglasses in this shade or treat yourself with neon Era earrings, because by the looks of SS21 runways this color is here to stay!
@leoniehanne in @lamarel_official bottoms
@endlesslyloveclub in @the_attico
@the_attico @endlesslyloveclub in @the_attico
@emilisindlev in @the_attico blazer
@handinfire in @@davidkomalondon dress @handinfire in @the_attico blazer
@emilisindlev in @balenciaga @balenciaga
@aminamuaddi @pernilleteisbaek in @aminamuaddi heels
@handinfire in @the_attico blazer
@leoniehanne and @eera earings